Scholarships By This Category
The position or status of a student who has been granted money or other aid to pursue their studies.
- University Scholarships
- Indian Scholarship
If you are a high-achieving international student, you can receive up to a 25% reduction on your annual course fees with the La Trobe College Excellence Scholarships.
RMIT offers a range of scholarships to commencing international students across all fields of study. Scholarships can help with all kinds of study costs such as textbooks, fees, accommodation and living expenses. While many of the scholarships consider academic achievement, there are also scholarships awarded based on what you are studying, where you are from or your personal circumstances.
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships
The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (Vanier CGS) program helps Canadian institutions attract highly qualified doctoral students.
- Valued at $50,000 per year for three years during doctoral studies
- Considers three equally weighted selection criteria: academic excellence, research potential, and leadership.
The University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) was devolved to the unit level. A unit is typically a department, but in the case of non-departmentalized faculties (e.g., Kinesology and Recreation Management, Law, Music, Pharmacy, and Social Work) can refer to a faculty, or even a program (e.g., Applied Health, Disability Studies Peace and Conflict Studies). UMGFs were devolved to the unit level to increase the flexibility to whom and when these scholarships are awarded.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships http://www.trudeaufoundation.ca/en/programs/doctoral-scholarships
The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation doctoral scholarships in the humanities and social sciences are the only one of its scope and stature in the country. Each year, the Foundation awards up to fifteen scholarships to Canadian and foreign doctoral candidates pursuing research related to one of its four founding themes. Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation scholars are outstanding students who are interested in growing in a multidisciplinary learning environment and in addressing important questions for Canada and the world.
University of Waterloo International Master’s and Doctoral Student Awards
Eligible students must be enrolled full time in research-based graduate degree programs at the University of Waterloo and hold a valid Canadian study permit. Students must meet the academic progress requirements of their program, and not have outstanding probationary admission requirements, or be concurrently receiving external awards or sponsorships.
University of Calgary Graduate Award
The University of Calgary offers awards to reward academic achievement and help bridge the gap between the cost of education and limited student income, allowing students to focus on their studies and research.
Fairleigh Dickinson Scholarships for International students http://view2.fdu.edu/admissions/international/scholarships-and-financial-aid/
FDU offers a wide range of generous scholarships for our international students. Most scholarships are based on academic merit and test scores and vary according to program.
McGill University Scholarships and Student Aid
McGill recognizes the challenges International students can face when studying away from home. The Scholarships and Student Aid Office is committed to ensuring that qualified students from any geographic region are financially supported in their goals to enter and complete academic programs at the University.
University of Saskatchewan International Student Awards
Scholarships: awarded based on academic achievement and may consider school/community activities, leadership or other criteria. Bursaries: awarded based on financial need and may also consider academic achievement. Prizes: awarded based on specific achievement (e.g., science fair project) and could be monetary or an item, such as a book.
Western University International Admission Scholarships
International applicants applying directly from secondary school for admission to Western’s main campus for first year, full-time studies can be considered for Admission Scholarships. Western Admission Scholarships (These are unlimited in number and are awarded automatically in September to all qualified first year students)
NSERC Postgraduate scholarships
According to the general goals of ERASMUS MUNDUS Partnership, HERITAGE project aims at fostering structured cooperation between European and Indian higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through the promotion of mobility at all levels of studies for students, doctoral candidates, researchers, academic and administrative staff.
INTERWEAVE is an ERASMUS MUNDUS Partnership (EMA2 strand1) project funded by the European commission, coordinated by Ecole Centrale de Nantes and co-coordinated by University of Malaya.The INTERWEAVE project provides 170 scholarships to undergraduate, master, doctorate, post-doctorate students and staff for mobility between Europe and Asia.
India4EU II is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project funded by the EuropeanCommission and organized by a Partnership of some the most prestigious universities in Europe and India
The aim of IBIES is the promotion of Indo-European higher education, to support the improvement and enhancement of scholars’ career proposects as well as the promotion of intercultural communication and
understanding through cooperation with the partner countries.IBIES supports mobility at all level of higher education, including both mobility for students (undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral) and for staff (academic and administrative).
France Institution Scholarships
- ISAE MBDA – Full Tuition Fee Waiver ; Living Expenses 8000 Euros per year.
- EDHEC – Tuition Fee 50% Waived
- Ecole Centrale de Nantes – Tuition Fee Waived Off 3000 Euros per year.
- ESIGELEC – Tuition Fee waived off from 1000 to 5000 Euros/
- ESC Rennes – Tuition Fee waived off from 2000 Euros per year.
- Sciences Po – Tuition Fee waived off from 3000 to 10000 Euros per year.
The Eiffel Scholarship Program is a means developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs through which the French educational institutions can attract foreign students for the diploma programs at Master and PhD level.
Raman – Charpak Scholarship
This program intends to develop and strengthen Indo-French scientific cooperation through close collaboration between Indian and French laboratories. The fellowship is a single-phase fellowship scheme for PhD research scholars at an Indian or French Research Institute / University. The scheme provides an exposure and experience about the current research methods and trends in France/India, while discovering another cultural context.
Charpak – Masters scholarship
This scholarship is designed for one to two years, (September – June, 10 months per academic year) of studies in France at the Master’s degree level for all streams and fields of study.
The Charpak Master Program offers two kinds of scholarships based on merit:
Charpak AME Scholarship (Allocation Mensuelled’Entretien):
- Living allowance 615 euros
- Medical insurance coverage (approx 300 euros / academic year)
- Student visa fee waiver (16,500 INR approx)
- Assistance to find affordable student accommodation
Singapore & Dubai
Singapore Millenium Foundation Scholarships
The Singapore Millennium Foundation (SMF) Research Grant Programme promotes research in niche and under-funded areas through funding research projects in the areas of Learning & Pedagogy, Palliative Care, and Food Supply Resiliency & Bio-Mimetic.
Science & Technology Undergraduate Scholarship from NUS
The Science & Technology Undergraduate Scholarship is a freshmen scholarship offered to support outstanding students from Asian countries (excluding Singapore). Candidates will be considered and shortlisted for the
scholarship through their applications for undergraduate admission to NUS. No separate application is required for the scholarship.
Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships at National University of Singapore
The Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarship (“Scholarship”) was established from donations received from the Lee Foundation and is the University’s most prestigious scholarship award for graduate students who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership and a commitment to service.
INSEAD-Syngenta MBA Scholarships for Developing Country Leaders
Syngenta is a world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology. The company is a leader in crop protection, and ranks third in the high-value commercial seeds market.
Singapore International Graduate Award
The Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) is a collaboration between the Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR), the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). PhD training will be carried out in English at your chosen lab at A*STAR Research Institutes, NTU, NUS or SUTD. Students will be supervised by distinguished and world-renowned researchers in these labs. Upon successful completion, students will be conferred a PhD degree by either NTU, NUS or SUTD.
New Zealand
New Zealand Excellence Awards(NZEA) is a unique initiative to encourage ambitious and capable Indian students to study at world-class universities in New Zealand.
The minimum academic requirement for entry into The University of Auckland postgraduate study is the equivalent to a 3-year New Zealand university bachelor’s degree with a B average. The minimum English language requirement for entry into postgraduate study at The University of Auckland is IELTS (International English Language Testing System Certificate)
with an overall score of 6.5 and no band less than 6.0 or a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) paper-based 575 with a TWE of 4.5 or computer-based 233 with a TWE of 4.5.
Universities New Zealand is managing the application and selection process for the New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarships.
The aim of the Massey Business School, International Student Study Award (“the Award”) is to attract top-achieving new international students enrolling in full-time business programme in the Palmerston North or Wellington Campuses at Massey University.
University of Otago Coursework Master’s Scholarship
The University of Otago Coursework Master’s Scholarship provides support for high calibre students to study towards coursework Masters’ degrees at the University of Otago.
University of Canterbury Masters’ Scholarships
To provide for a living allowance and tuition fees, each to a value determined by the Council. An applicant must have met the academic requirements for enrollment in the relevant thesis, dissertation, research project, creative work or performance by 10 December for those who apply by 15 October, or by 17 July for those who apply by 15 May.
Charles Wallace India Trust Scholarship
Every year CWIT offers up to 10 long term awards, aiming at giving early to mid career practitioners a chance to study or gain wider experience and exposure. The balance between Arts and Heritage Conservation varies from year to year depending on demand and performance at interview.The awards, which are generally
from 2–3 months up to a maximum of a year, cover accommodation and living costs in the UK, fees and a contribution to international fares.
GREAT Scholarship
The British Council is delighted to announce GREAT Education scholarships for the year 2017. The total worth of these scholarships is over 1 million pounds. With 198 scholarships on offer, it is a great opportunity for Indian students wishing to make the most of their UK education.Students may avail these scholarships for 29 undergraduate and 169 postgraduate courses. These include Engineering, Law, Business, Art & Design, Biosciences, IT and more; at 40 UK institutions across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Saltire Scholarship
Scotland’s Saltire Scholarships (SSS) is a substantial programme of scholarships, offered on a matched funding basis between the Scottish Government and Scottish Higher Education Institutions. The scheme offers up to 100 awards, each worth £4000. These are towards the tuition fees, for any one year of full time study, on an Undergraduate, Masters or PhD course at any of Scotland’s higher education institutions.The scholarships are designed to support the promotion of Scotland as a learning nation and a science nation and are therefore targeted at the priority sectors of creative industries, life sciences, technology, financial services and renewable and clean energy.
Academic Excellence Scholarship by University of Lincoln
The University of Lincoln offers a range of scholarships to high achieving students from around the world. For programmes commencing in February and September 2017, the university invites applications from students in the following countries: China, India, Malaysia, Norway, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and the United States.
International Academic Scholarship at the University of Worcester
Overseas students who are currently holding an offer from us and are not being funded from another source can apply for an International scholarship.Students may also apply for a range of scholarships and funding provided by UK and international Government bodies, the European Commission, funding trusts, a number of research councils, industry and employers.
Felix Scholarship
Felix scholarships are offered at three universities – the University of Oxford, the University of Reading and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), part of the University of London. The Scholarships are awarded on the basis of outstanding academic merit and financial need.
The Gates Cambridge Scholarship
Gates Cambridge Scholarships are highly competitive full-cost scholarships. They are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge.
The Rhodes Scholarship
Applications are invited from outstanding graduates holding at least a first class honours degree in Pure or Applied Sciences, Humanities, Law or Medicine of Indian Universities for five scholarships, for a course of study leading to a degree of the University of Oxford (UK). Candidates in the final year of their degree courses with exceptional academic record may also apply. Candidates must demonstrate their continuing interest and achievement in extra curricular activities such as sports, theatre and community work.
University of East Anglia Scholarship
University of East Anglia has announced new postgraduate scholarships for outstanding candidates from India.
Oxford India Centre Scholarship
The Centre provides funding for talented Indian graduate students who would not otherwise be able to take up their places at Oxford.
The Lore India Foundation Scholarship Trust
The Lore India Foundation Scholarship Trust
The Lore India Foundation has been established for the sole purpose of identifying bright young minds and honing their brilliance to contribute significantly to a better future for the nation and society. The foundation provides scholarships worth Rs. 10.5 crore for 200+ students every year! Supported by Tata Consultancy Services ION, the program aims to identify and recognize merit above all else.
The Narotam Sekhsaria Scholarship for Higher Studies
The NarotamSekhsaria Scholarship for Higher Studies
The NarotamSekhsaria Foundation is a not-for-profit organization set up by an endowment from Mr. NarotamSekhsaria, a visionary entrepreneur with a strong sense of social commitment. Students below the age of 30, looking for a postgraduate scholarship, who are Indian nationals and graduates from recognized universities in the country, are welcome to send their applications for the Foundation’s postgraduate scholarships. The Foundation awards its PG Scholarship to students who wish to further their studies in the fields of Pure Sciences, Applied Sciences, Social Sciences & Humanities, Law, Architecture and Management
Aga Khan Education Services
Aga Khan Education Service
The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies. Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant : 50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year.
Bharat Petroleum Scholarship for Indian students
Bharat Petroleum Scholarship for Indian students
Bharat Petroleum Scholarship for higher studies is offered by Bharat Petroleum co-operation LTD. Bharat Petroleum is a great place to work, where your voice is heard and your opinions valued. It’s a place where every employee is considered an important and respected part of the team. It provides scholarship to students studying aboard and India as well. The scholarship is funded by the Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd and covers two years of study in India or abroad.
Common Wealth UK Scholarship for Indian Students
Common Wealth UK Scholarship for Indian Students
The CSFP is an annual scheme made available to all the Commonwealth countries by the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission. In India, this is jointly managed by Commonwealth Scholarships Commission,the British Council,Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU),Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.
Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship
Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship
This programme offers scholarships for suitably qualified individuals to pursue a research master’s or PhD (either traditional or structured), in any discipline, at eligible higher education institutions in Ireland. In addition, a number of targeted scholarships are offered in collaboration with our strategic funding partners.
The JN Tata Endowment for the Higher Education of Indians
The JN Tata Endowment for the Higher Education of Indians
The JN Tata Endowment for the Higher Education of Indians has been helping Indian students since 1892 with loan scholarships for higher studies. People consider it a matter of great pride to be called a ‘JN Tata Scholar’. There are now more than 5,004 JN Tata Scholars all over the world.
K.C.Mahindra Scholarships for Post-Graduate Studies Abroad
K.C.Mahindra Scholarships for Post-Graduate Studies Abroad
Since 1956, K. C. Mahindra Education Trust has granted interest-free loan scholarships to deserving students to pursue post-graduate studies abroad in various fields.Every year, we offer scholarships, as given below: 1) A maximum of Rs.8 lakh per scholar, awarded to the top 3 K.C. Mahindra fellows 2) A maximum of Rs.4 lakh per scholar, awarded to remaining successful applicants.
Lotus Trust Scholarship
Lotus Trust Scholarship
Field of Study : Engineering, Technology, Sciences, Management Studies, Social Sciences and Medicine.
Level: Postgraduate and Research Eligibility: Outstanding academic record.
Note: Candidates must send their preliminary applications, together with complete bio-data, copy of mark sheets and if possible, copy of the admission offer.
New Zealand Commonwealth program for Indian Students
New Zealand Commonwealth program for Indian Students
The New Zealand Aid Programme offers several different types of scholarship. Most are for full-time tertiary study in New Zealand. Scholarships provide the following financial support:
- Full tuition fees
- A fortnightly living allowance – this is a contribution to basic living expenses
- An establishment allowance – this is a once only payment as a contribution towards accommodation expenses, text books, study materials
- Medical and travel insurance
- Travel to and from your home country – this is for travel from your home country at the start of the scholarship, and for you to return to your home country at the end of your scholarship. Note that we offer our scholarships for the shortest amount of time needed for you to complete the academic programme.
- Home leave or reunion travel for some scholars
- Assistance with research and thesis costs for many postgraduate research students
SaryuDoshi Post Graduate Fellowships in Liberal Arts and Sciences
SaryuDoshi Post Graduate Fellowships in Liberal Arts and Sciences
The Foundation provides scholarships to financially challenged young Indians enabling them to catapult themselves to a higher economic and social orbit. It fosters emerging talent in the visual and performing arts through Fellowships, performances, exhibitions and festivals. It is committed to improving the community by funding initiatives in environment protection and social upliftment.
Shri BrihadBharatiyaSamaj Scholarship
Shri BrihadBharatiyaSamaj Scholarship
Students must hold 10th class or board of secondary school education and 12th class or intermediate with minimum aggregate of 70% marks. The parents/guardian who are earning annual income less than 60,000 rupees are eligible for this scholarship.Female students who are studying nursing can get minimum aggregate of 45% marks in their studies are eligible for this scholarship. The age should not be more than 27 years. Candidates who are studying final year graduation are also eligible for this scholarship.
GDGS Scholarship
Study Internationally with ‘’ GDGS Scholarship ’’
we are happy to introduce the GDGS Scholarship for students who wish to study abroad.
GDGS study abroad scholarship is an award for students to be used toward the expenses during their study program such as travel, course
credits, books, lodging etc., Students must apply for this scholarships and these awards are based purely on a student’s academic, artistic, athletic
or other abilities, and often factor in an applicant’s extracurricular activities and community service record and accomplishment of Companies
terms and conditions.
This Scholarship is availed for all aspirants who register and get admission from International Universities by just fulfilling the
university entry criteria through Get Direction Global Solutions.
Terms and Conditions for Scholarship
All applicants should have applies and received offer letter from university through Get Direction Global Solutions.
Student should accepted offer and received confirmation of Admission from universities through Get Direction Global Solutions.
Scholarship award is only eligible for students who have applied and received offer letters from Universities and colleges represented by Get Direction Global Solutions in UK, CANADA, NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA, IRELAND and EUROPE*.
The scholarship of Rs.25000 will be granted to students once they enrol the elected university abroad.
Academic credentials for Rs.50000 Scholarship for Selected 5 candidates are
Students with not more than 5 history of Harriers in graduation.
Expected Marks 90% and above in graduation.
Overall 6.5 in IELTS and individual band not less than 6.
Motivational letter with minimum of 1500 words and Maximum of 2000 words explaining why they wish to study the particular course abroad in the specific university and how this Rs.50000 scholarship help them.
Payment terms.
Scholarship Bursary will be paid only in India either to student’s personal account or to their parents account.
Payment will be done within 90 days from the successful registration and enrolment of University.
The student should have paid universities full tuition fees for 1st year at the time of enrolment.
The scholarship will not be released until the full tuition fees for the first year is made to the university.