To be eligible for admission to heidelberg university, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- University entrance qualification
Applicants must have a qualification that allows them to enter university. This could be a school-leaving certificate, baccalauréat, or gce - a & o levels.
Applicants must have very good german language skills.
- English language proficiency
Applicants must meet the minimum english language proficiency requirement. For example, they may need a toefl score of 79 (ibt) or an ielts score of 6.5.
Applicants must submit their academic records, such as transcripts from high school and college.
- Additional qualifications
Some subjects may have additional qualifications. For example, doctoral candidates in the faculty of biosciences must complete an online course on research integrity.
Heidelberg university considers applicants holistically, taking into account their academic credentials, track record, and other materials they submit.
Heidelberg university may also consider applicants for special consideration if they meet certain criteria, such as being geographically tied to the university or being part of a federal sports association.