Vitebsk state medical university (vsmu) is one of the the largest and most distinguished medical establishment of higher education in belarus with more than 7200 students from 43 countries. Established in 1934, vsmu is famous for its quality of medical education. The quality management system of the university meets the international iso 9001 standards.
Main material facilities of vsmu are: - 6 academic buildings; - 15 clinical sites; - 8 hostels, 3 canteens, medical library; - sport gyms, stadium, health and fitness centers; - scientific laboratory and vivarium; - university hotel complex; - vsmu-owned clinic, dental clinic; - educational-manufacturingdrug store; - practical skills and medical simulation learning centre; - center of transfer of medical and pharmaceutical technologies.
Educational process in vsmu is carried out at 8 faculties: - preparatory training faculty; - general medicine faculty; - pharmaceutical faculty; - stomatological faculty; - faculty of overseas students training; - faculty of advanced training and staff retraining; - faculty of advanced training and staff retraining in psychology and pedagogic; - peoples faculty “health protection”.